18 de maio de 2011

Detonado - Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Detonado, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Oi gente, hoje mais um detonado, porém agora teremos o detonado - Enslaved odyssey to the west aqui no GambleGamer. Espero que gostem, não deixem de conferir o detonado - Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

The Escape 1

The Escape 2

Chapter 2 - The Old City 1

The Old City 2

The Old City 3

The Old City 4

The Old City 5

The Old City 6

The Metal Tower 1

The Metal Tower 2

The Metal Tower 3

Chapter 4 - Wherefore Art you? 1

Wherefore Art you? 2

Wherefore Art you? 3

The Crash Site 1

The Crash Site 2

The Crash Site 3

The Crash Site 4

Chapter 6 - Village Approach 1

Village Approach 2

Village Approach 3

Finding Trip 1

Finding Trip 2

Finding Trip 3

Finding Trip 4

Chapter 8 - Gaining Access 1

Gaining Access 2

Gaining Access 3

Gaining Access 4

Chapter 9 - The Wasteland 1

The Wasteland 2

The Wasteland 3

The Wasteland 4

The Titan Factory 1

The Titan Factory 2

The Titan Factory 3

The Titan Factory 4

The Titan Factory 5

Chapter 11 - The Old Battlefield 1

The Old Battlefield 2

The Dam 1

The Dam 2

The Dam 3

The Dam 4

Chapter 13 - Grand Theft 1

Grand Theft 2

Grand Theft 3

Grand Theft 4

Grand Theft 5

Grand Theft 6

Grand Theft 6

Chapter 14 - Pyramid 1

Pyramid 2

Pyramid 3

Pyramid 4



Pois é gente, acaba por aqui, espero que tenham gostado! Até a próxima!

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